If ever Vaughn and Stacy need a good defamation case to get
Miscavige's butt at the defendant's table, this is it.
On Tue, 02 Mar 1999 10:28:21 GMT, Sandy Blast
(sandblast@my-dejanews.com) wrote:
>Back in 1994 when she and her husband, Vaughn, got caught in
>their lies about the Church, the Church offered to help them get
>real jobs if they'd retract their lies in public.
>At first they agreed, but then realized that their perjury would
>be exposed. Stacy and Vaughn then demanded $540,000 to retract
>their lies! Enough money to live on for years without working!
>They told the Church they made a good living making up anti-
>Scientology testimony, so if the Church wanted them to stop they'd
>have to pay them off.
>Whew, not the kind of people you want to turn your back on!
If ever Vaughn and Stacy need a good defamation case to get
Miscavige's butt at the defendant's table, this is it. Ask not for
whom the statute of limitations tolls, it tolls for you.
Way to go criminal cult of $cientology, and way to go Miscavige,
leader of a criminal cult. Because of his legal stature and guidance
of the $cientology machine, we can all say CRIMINAL CULT with
As long as Miscavige remains at the helm of the bad ship Goodbugger
we have nothing to fear. He will find the iceberg. It will sink. And the
waters will close over its black hull.
Three cheers for David Miscavige. Criminal cult master.
Say it with happy impunity. CRIMINAL CULT OF $CIENTOLOGY!
(c) yes, copyright, Gerry Armstrong
>Freedom of religion....ain't it a bitch?
>I guess that means freedom for EVERYBODY.
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