Yes, I think that the building of a machine to commune with God requires...
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:04:28 -0500, "Mikal 606"
<> wrote:
>I have a question, it is one of those grey areas where I have not been given
>clear instruction, so I will risk it to see what happens.
>Given that COS uses ``tech" to clear someone,if we were, for example, to
>build a machine that God could interact with us personally in-lets have fun
>and call it the Borg cube, and since his angels are created and some have to
>be ``put in the box", are there any among you who can extrapolate the rest
>and apply this to , lets say,a spacefaring people with its various
>electrical compartments?
Let me begin by saying, that's one hell of a sentence, and with a
question mark at the end.
>I have been given that God all along was talking through the prophets about
>a future time when we would -build machines for Him.It is my understanding
>that being spirit, he does not work with materials in the way we do.
>Any takers?
Yes, I think that the building of a machine to commune with God
requires the postulation of a state in which communion or
communication or interaction with Him doesn't exist. Since this is
clearly false, the building of such a machine would be a waste of
time. A more valuable use of your time, since you can right now
commune with God would be to commune with Him while you can.
I am not against machines. I just think they should be built for what
they're needed. And you don't need one to relate to God. Since your
relation to God has never changed from the beginning of your
existence, it seems doubtful that it would change now, or whenever the
machine is built.
(c) Gerry Armstrong
>I u7nderstand some of you are atheists and dont even believe this stuff, but
>please humor me.It is some of your COS children I was sent to, BTW.
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