Re: World Bankers
[2 February 2001]
What is the basis of your claim that Kattar was "a top LaRouche aid?"
From: Gerry Armstrong <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Re: World Bankers
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 20:29:17 -0800
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On 2 Feb 2001 22:40:20 -0500, (unusual) wrote:
>In article <903CC1F1Bmirelexmissioncom@>, wrote...
>>I wonder if LRH saw Lyndon LaRouche as competition?
>Probably as he was nuts (both are/were)..but OSA and LaRouche have had an
>interesting relationship. It ran hot and cold but OSA/Co$ did information share
>about "enemies" they had in common. Ira Leibowitz cultavated OSA/GO in the form
>of Arnon Harari, then the New York head of OSA.They had at least two meetings
>in person. This was at the same time "EIR" claimed co$ was involved in drug
>trafficing. Check the link between Kattar and co$:)
>In 1986 George Kattar (a top LaRouche aid) was indicted in Boston on extortion
>charges..the victim was co$.
>Odd bedfellows indeed :-)
What is the basis of your claim that Kattar was "a top LaRouche aid?"
(c) Gerry Armstrong