Well, see you in Leipzig.
On Sat, 3 Mar 2001 07:07:30 -0500, Joe's Garage (swatron@xenu.net)
>This year in Leipzig, the home city of the East German civil rights
>movement, the European-American Citizens Committee for Human Rights and
>Religious Freedom will celebrate its second human rights award with Dr.
>Norbert Bluem. Dr. Norbert Bluem will receive the award for implementing
>and championing the causes of human rights and religious freedom in the
>discussion about the totalitarian Scientology Organization. The award this
>year will once again be crafted by Leipzig artist Ruediger Bartels, and
>will be presented to Dr. Norbert Bluem at an award ceremony in Leipzig
>early this summer. The award home page is http://www.leipzig-award.de/
>The following are some excerpts from articles which describe Dr. Bluem
>from a viewpoint other than that of Scientology:
>Norbert Bluem (CDU) intends to use all means to keep Scientology from
>being acknowledged as a religious denomination in Germany. "The
>Scientologists have as much to do with a religious denomination as
>bicycles have to do with space travel," said the former Labor Minister.
I'm hoping to argue the point with Dr. Bluem. Bicycles would have some
utility in keeping the space travelers physically fit.
I would say that $cientology has as much to do with religion as faulty
O-rings have to do with space travel.
>Bluem accused the Scientologists of having ruined many people.
On this we certainly agree. They are themselves proof of ruination.
Well, see you in Leipzig.
(c) Gerry Armstrong
>from - Bluem against Scientology
>Stuttgart, Germany
>March 23, 2000
>Suedwest Presse
>"German Labour Minister Norbert Bluem said in an interview with RUFA
>German radio agency that it was Germany's duty to protect those he said
>had suffered under the group's influence. 'Let those who have dropped out
>of the group speak out about how human beings are spiritually destroyed
>under Scientology's roof,' Bluem said in an interview."
>One U.S. Scientologist from Los Angeles said he had flown over with a
>group from the U.S. just to join the demonstration. 'What shocks me most
>is the religious intolerance. I have heard Scientologists are being driven
>out of business here and often do not say they are Scientologists because
>they are afraid of losing their jobs,' Dan Stradford, 50, told Reuters.
>"German Labour Minister Norbert Bleum rejected the charge saying it played
>down the true gravity of Nazi crimes. 'This is not just an insult to our
>democracy, but also to all those victims of Nazi terror,' Bluem told
>German RUFA radio agency.
>Bluem: Scientology is the opposite of a church. The sect does not base
>belief on freedom, but on suppression; golly, you can't call that belief
>at all. It only has to do with satisfying their lust for power. Money,
>money and money - that is Scientology's trinity.
>Bluem demands rigorous opposition to Scientology
>[The German language original is on Ingo Heinemann's page entitled
>"No Legal Proceedings against 'Money Laundering' or 'Brainwashing'" at
>Bonn, Germany
>September 18, 1994
>Welt am Sonntag
>by Heinz Vielain
>Federal Labor Minister Norbert Bluem (CDU) urged a "substantially
>rigorous, faster opposition" to the "Scientology" sect, which is active in
>He regards the sect as a "criminal money-laundering organization which is
>intent on expanding its delusional ideology worldwide under the pretext of
>religion and will stop at nothing," Bluem explained to "Welt am Sonntag."
>The Minister has instructed the Federal Labor agency not to issue members
>of "Scientology" permits to run private employment agencies.
>The CDU politician said to the "Welt am Sonntag," "It is high time that
>the big wheels of this human-despising cartel of suppression finally
>receive our message loud and clear: they are criminal! Provisions will
>have to be made so that the sect will be put under surveillance by the
>Constitutional Security agency [domestic intelligence]."
>Scientology, according to the Minister, is spreading its tentacles around
>the world like a "giant octopus": "Potential members are put into
>psychologically and physically dependent relationships. They are subjected
>to brainwashing; their personalities are systematically destroyed. Then
>they are materially exploited without end. Even though we know all this,
>far too little has really been able to be done in effectively opposing
>this organization."
>Bluem pointed out the danger of giving the sect more and more leeway
>through "constant update of legal review procedures, instead of
>[maintaining a] determined opposition."
>Scientology responds:Non-Christians!
>The following is excerpted from Scientology ``danger to society´´ --
>German minister RT 14 July 1997 By Erik Kirschbaum BONN, July 14
>Labour Minister Norbert Bluem, a strong critic of Scientology, wrote in the
>preface: "This is an organisation that twists people into tools in order to
>pursue its own criminal objectives." The charge brought a swift rebuttal
>from a Scientology spokesman in Munich. "The church of Scientology
>firmly rejects the untrue claims made by these CDU representatives," said
>Georg Stoffel, a spokesman for Scientology in Munich. "The CDU
>representatives are apparently engaging in a religious war and acting in a
>way that is entirely non-Christian in their efforts to discriminate and
>ostracise Scientologists."
>Bluem Calls for Vigilance of Scientology Sect
>Federal Minister of Employment Bluem supports the plan to withdraw the
>status of an official organization from the Scientology sect. In case of a
>withdrawal of these rights, the German revenue service could survey the
>profits of recent years and demand the payment of taxes, Bluem explained
>during an announcement of the CDU/CSU youth organization, the "Junge
>Union," of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Stuttgart. He further called to have the
>scientology sect watched by the German secret service, since the sect's
>goals were unequivocally anti-constitutional. According to Bluem,
>scientology is nothing but a criminal money laundering organization. The
>chair of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Junge Union, Notheils (sp?) stated that
>during the coming four weeks the Junge Union would sponsor a state-wide
>campaign and collection of signatures, in order to raise awareness among
>the population.
>Another court supported Federal Minister for Labor and Social
>Affairs Norbert Bluem's description of Scientology as a
>"contemptible cartel whose oppression and ringleaders are
>Joe Cisar: http://cisar.org/rfs0100.htm
>Overview of Scientology in Germany: http://cisar.org/overview.htm
> Save a Scientologist - http://mp3.cafepress.com/barbz
> On-line book: http://members.tripod.com/German_Scn_News/has00.htm
Copyright © Gerry Armstrong - All Rights Reserved.